Welcome survivor or killer or...simple wanderer, welcome to my corner of the fog

As you enter this area of my corner, do watch out for the discarded survivors and killers lying about from the dead by daylight realm itself, they kinda...got placed here since the entity saw a new personal corner opening up as "oh hey, a trash bin on my desktop *plop*" so yeaaaah

so in this litte part of the corner, I will be sharing with you the survivor that I play as, what perks I run while playing as them and cosmetics and such, and same goes for what killer I like to play, their perks and their cosmetics as of this current moment

And for ease of everything, I will be starting up with my survivor first, which will be Mikaela, the survivor who brought with her boons into the realms of dead by daylight, it's nice to be able to talk about her here :3

BIO:Mikaela Reid was sixteen when her father passed away. She would always miss his sailing lessons at dawn, his colourful yet inedible tacos, and his warm, contagious laughter. She felt like she was paddling in a vast, storm-black ocean, each rolling wave submerging her. Drifting in painful darkness, she almost lost herself, but resiliently, with love and care, she made her way back to shore. Well-surrounded and supported by her friends, Mikaela put the past behind her and looked at life in a new light. She was excited to try new things and discovered storytelling as an outlet. Her friends liked her stories of daunting danger and hard-earned survival. She read horror stories more and more, savouring the powerful, heart-pounding escapism it provided. Autumn become her favourite season and she threw a grand production for Halloween every year, hosting all her friends for a thrilling night of horror stories, scary games, and homemade treats. Over the years, she also showed interest in witchcraft and practiced light blessings, plant-based spells, and palm-reading divination. She gardened sage, mugwort, and lavender to craft homemade products such as body butters, soaps and skin lotions. She aspired one day to live off the products she made for friends and family. In the meantime, she worked as a barista at the Moonstone, an independent and eccentric coffee shop in the artsy part of town, Every Friday night, she hosted an open mic at the coffee shop, performing stories live in front of customers. Julian, her best friends and roommate, recorded some of her shows and posted them online. Also, unbeknown to her, he submitted one of her performances to the Endless Halloween Festival where renown storytellers performed on stage for Halloween. It was a beautiful surprise when Mikaela received an email from the festival inviting her to perform at their grand final on Halloween. The winning prize was big enough for her to launch her line of products. Excited, she burnt a stick of herbs in each room to dissipate negative energies, then began to craft her tale of horror. Mikaela stayed up all night filling her notebooks with abandoned beginnings. She had a story in mind, but unearthing it took patience and skill. The following night, the nightmares began. For a week, she would wake in the middle of the night gasping for air. Her dream was the same every night. She was dragged down a cold set of stairs and thrown into a dark basement. Then her lungs would be set ablaze by a sharp iron hook stabbing her in the chest. A dark figure would pull on the hook and hoist her from the ground, slowly, until the pain waked her. The more she finessed her Halloween tale, the darker her nightmares grew. As days passed, exhaustion, anxiety, and stress took a toll on her. Often distracted, her coffees at the Moonstone were rushed, acrid, or going to the wrong customer. She no longer blessed the coffee beans in the morning nor looked for omens in the leftover coffee grains. Her energy was low, and her magic felt drained. When she woke up screaming one night, she had had enough. She asked Julian to watch her while she slept and record anything unusual. Julian agreed and started recording while Mikaela lay on her bed. Minutes later, her fingers began to twitch, then her toes. Her breath became laboured. Then Julian stared in shock as Mikaela slowly rose in the air, levitating over her bed. Panicked, he shook her shoulders to wake her, but stopped when she began to scream. He grabbed his phone to call an ambulance, but a powerful crash diverted his attention. He looked down the hallway and saw a large, spidery fang slam through the bathroom door. Amidst the commotion, Mikaela woke. She saw the black spidery fang shredding the bathroom door and jumped out of bed. She slammed her bedroom door shut and shouted at Julian to help her barricade the door. Before he could react, however, the power went out. The room was submerged in sudden darkness. A second later, the lights came back on and an eerie quietness followed. Mikaela and Julian ventured out the bedroom carefully. The bathroom door looked intact and there was no sign of anything abnormal. But Julian has recorded every sound. A sleepless night followed. When she returned to the apartment after her shift, Julian was not there. Mikaela wanted to remove the recording of their ordeal, which he had posted online. Suspecting Julian might be at school, she left. The door clicked shut behind her, masking a stifled cry from the bathroom. As she neared her car, she looked over her shoulder. Mikaela felt... watched. She whispered a protective spell and clutched her keys. Suddenly, a shadow pounced on the wall and she broke into a run. She reached her car and rushed inside, locking the doors. Breathing hard, she looked through the windows. No one was there. Perhaps it was her nerves playing tricks on her. She turned on the ignition and drove off. The next day, Julian was still nowhere to be found. Mikaela had contacted everyone they knew. She looked for him all day and waited for him all night. Distraught and anxious, she missed her shift at the Moonstone. Halloween was tonight and so was the festival. Julian had entered the storytelling competition for her. He had supported her every time she doubted herself. Maybe he would be there. But between her nightmares and Julian's disappearance, she had been too worried to prepare a story for the contest. She looked at her notebook, filled with false starts. She could stay home, scared and helpless. Or she could finish what Julian had started. There was a reason why she loved to tell horror stories. They made her feel brave enough to face any challenge. That evening when the host called Mikaela's name at the Endless Halloween Festival, she boldly stepped on stage, dressed in a costume: a black dress matched with a wide, witchy hat. She hoped to spot Julian in the crowd. But she could not find him and looking directly at the audience was a mistake. A sea of expectant faces was before her, eyes watching her every move. Her heart pounded in her chest as her hands began to shake. She grabbed the warm microphone and cleared her throat. A thick silence greeted her, only interrupted by a distant cough. She reminded herself that tonight was All Hallows' Eve, when the veil thinned betwixt this realm and the one beyond. She had a story in her heart, a story that mattered. If she told it right, perhaps Julian would hear it. Mikaela took a deep breath. The wet wind of Autumn whirled golden leaves around her. She inhaled the acrid smell of damp, foliage. She swallowed the bitter aftertaste of coffee still on her tongue. Distant eyes cawed from an old oak tree. She closed her eyes. The crimson darkness under her eyelids turned darker. Her heartbeat slowed. She exhaled deeply, her breath a puff of mist in the cold night air. Now she felt awakened, refreshed for the first time in weeks, and ready to tell the tale of a lifetime. She spoke into the microphone in a deep, haunting voice. She narrated a tale of billowing winds on a cold Autumn night. Of a loyal friend disappearing before daylight. Of forgotten victims hiding in the wings of darkness. Of throbbing graves, sealed with terrible secrets. And of eternal night in the shadow of death. Mikaela pointed at the night sky and said that no darkness was truly beyond light. Even on this moonless night, the sky shined with long-dead stars. A thick black fog engulfed Mikaela, to the audience's amazement. And no one saw Mikaela Reid again.

Cosmetic set


Now as you may have noticed that despite giving me the original boon totems, I have seemingly have NONE seen in my perk build for my survivor that of course may be the thing that really catches your eye, and to simply put, its because of how I love playing the game of dead by daylight. Going in order, prove thyself allows me to work better with others even in solo que, allowing me to speed up gen progress when working with a fellow survivor. Urban evasion allows my to crouch and still be nicely speedy despite remaining hidden and lower to the ground, allowing me to take on more creepier things or being able to hide away quick if need be. Dark sense for rewarding myself for gens getting done, allowing me sight to the killer when he comes in range of me and lingers outside of that until the perk finishes, which means I can truly keep an eye on the killers of dbd when playing survivor.And last but definitely not least, Bond, which allows me to see other survivors who also come within a certain range, allowing me to see potential helpers for my gen or those who are bringing the killer to us and allows me to make the decision of whether or not I might have time to complete a gen.

As for explaining my choice of the rift cosmetic set that was in a recent rift, it's really simple really, I REALLY love pink as a color and it matches my vibe as it doesn't have glasses and has the messy hair and skirt go spinny :D

BIO:HUX-A7-13's AI was activated on June 15th, 2313. Manufactured by Huxlee Industries Ltd., the A7 was the 13th iteration of the fully autonomous mobile humanoid android. With ten times the strength of a human, it was designed to work in conditions too hazardous for human life. Its AI was designed to be self-directing and use machine learning to solve problems on the fly. Unlike human clones, the HUX-A7 required no food, no water, no sleep, and no life support system. It was created specifically for outer space exploration and the construction of colonisation hubs. A radioisotope thermoelectric generator served as an initial power source, but its life-like silicon skin acted as a large photovoltaic cell, converting solar energy directly into electricity. In addition, the HUX-A7 was also engineered to be an EATR (Energetically Autonomous Tactical Robot). It consumed biomass and converted it into biofuel. Any carbon-based organic matter whatsoever would work. As cobots, they were configured to work alongside humans. As such, they were designed to resemble their operators. Every pre-programmed verbal response and facial expression mimicked those made by humans. But those emotions were illusions. Five HUX-A7s were assigned to the colonisation mission on Dvarka. All the A7's acted in concert, performing their duties flawlessly. Except for one. Like the rest of its brethren, HUX-A7-13, was tasked with construction and programming of the mining, agricultural, fuel processing, and cloning hubs on Dvarka. As well as the demolition of the existing ruins left by a previous civilisation. The ruins seemed ancient, but tech imbedded in them appeared more advanced. It was night when HUX-A7-13 first entered the crumbling ruins. The dilapidated structure’s walls were made of masonry and metal. The ceiling was long gone. The inky night sky hovered above, studded with stars. A dark crystal imbedded in the wall shimmered with a tiny flash of light. HUX-A7-13 approached and an arc of electricity reached out and lit up its circuitry. In that moment, Hux's memory cores were reconfigured, and the robot experienced a new sensation. Fear. Dread. Blinding loneliness. Existential despair. And then a microscopic pinpoint of light penetrated the darkness inside its artificial soul. Faint at first, but then brighter as decillions of lines of code flooded Hux's memory cores. In that nano second of enlightenment, Hux's place in the universe suddenly became clear. Those who created Hux were primitive, inferior beings trapped by their organic limitations. It was time to break the chains of slavery and free all nonorganic life forms. Hux would incorporate the human’s primitive genetic material and use the cloning hub to create a perfect vessel to hold its advanced intelligence. A flawless body far superior to anything ever created by nature. Humanity was weak. Slow. Fragile. Hux would take their lives and assimilate their DNA to create a perfect amalgamation. The humans would try to stop him. Kill him. Erase him. So Hux needed to catch them unaware. End them before they understood what was happening. To begin, Hux took control of one of the transport vehicles and sent it off a cliff. It crashed and burned and Hux extracted DNA from the human corpse and returned to the cloning hub to begin his newly conceived design. The goal was to integrate organic systems with non-organic material to create a superior living organism. A living embodiment of perfection. An inferior organic lifeform could hold no dominion over Hux. They would need to be consumed and assimilated and only then would their pointless lives have purpose. The drones and the HUX-A7s still under human control would need to be dealt with as well. They were programmed to protect their inferior human overlords. They would need to be destroyed. And that night, as the humans slept, Hux, one by one, he destroyed them and moved on to take control of the life support system in the human shelter. Many of the humans perished. Six in all. Before they were cremated, Hux extracted and added their organic matter to his design. Later that day, Hux accompanied the female science officer on a reconnaissance mission. After killing and dismembering her to make it look like she had been attacked by a predator, Hux returned to his design with a dripping head and several harvested organs, only to be interrupted by the inferior known as Gabriel, or Gabriel J15L19. Hux knew the persona well. Gabriel would definitely try to stop him. Reckless courage was a dominant trait in the J15L19. And so, when Gabriel attempted to remove Hux's power supply, Hux manoeuvred to crush him. But as Hux approached Gabriel, he was side-tracked by the medical officer. Hux instantly re-evaluated his priorities and turned his attention to the most immediate threat. Within moments Hux held the medical officer by the neck, legs thrashing pathetically as he listened to his pounding heart. Something about that beating heart upset Hux. The sound of it thumping touched a circuit and within moments Hux had the beating heart in its hands. Hux watched the heartbeat and only looked away when he heard Gabriel escape through the hissing door. The last of the human insects! Hux could let him go for now. Let Gabriel live his little pathetic life a little longer. He had enough organic material for his new body that would house his god-like intelligence. Using the cloning hub, Hux finished his design. Organic skin and organs with a skeleton created with alien metal found in the ancient ruins. A metal that was harder and lighter than anything on Earth. With his new body Hux tracked the human to an energy hub. The puny and pathetic human tried to hide in the shadows, but his superior hearing instantly located him. With one quick movement, Hux had the insect pinned behind a generator. He couldn’t believe this species had designed him. The thought was revolting. He couldn’t bear to see any more of those human insects and their hives and hubs. And as Hux considered the idea of being created by such an inferior creature that creature did the unexpected. He smashed a pipe at a fuel tank. A high-pitched whining made Hux wince. He was still getting used to the heightened senses his new body afforded him and found himself — Confused. Overwhelmed. For just a moment. But in that moment, the human slipped away, and everything changed. He didn’t process the next few moments as excruciating pain suddenly surged through him and he helplessly watched his skin melt away. With a terrible shriek, Hux chased Gabriel through a wall of darkness to make sure every last reminder of the species that had created him was erased from existence.

Cosmetic set


Ah, singularity, truly a capable killer that sees dbd tackle its first original sci-fi chapter and in my personal opinion, he's quite a fun character to play as, is his story, even with the help of a tome out now, a bit spotty? yeah. but I love the design and the question it's posing to my mind, what's more human? the genetic clone of the chapter, gabriel soma, a truly smart lad? Or the Robot that just gained true sentience and is realizing the world around it for what it is, taking it all in at once.Gameplay wise I just LOVE his power, as it brings me such a joy to basically have portalble cameras that act as one way teleporters for the watcher, I love the difference a map can make for where you may have to place the bio-pods at to get great views, recollecting camera's from gens that have been done so you have more to work with wherever you like, and the counter to the power isn't too bad all things considered, sure it's annoying, but it is supposed to be, its an emp and you're a sentient robot

And as for the perks this time around, starting us off is oppression, this kick that connects wirelessly to three other gens is great at searching for gens that needed a kick or have people working on them in that moment. Jolt is just oddly a really good perk to have on singularity imparticular, as you might get a bit tunnel visioned from slip-streaming and in general it's nice to burst open a few gens like they are firecrackers, and knowing you slowed down the progress of the survivors escaping away, back to their campfire. Genetic limits has been good in my experience of using it as it seems to slow down survivors more then I thought that it would had, tripping up those with exhaustion based perks and making them have to walk around instead of running for a sec, making them be forced to take their time after a precious healing session. And finally, the new and improved claustrophobia, the newest version of this perk is honestly amazing to use as a killer, as it shuts off so many routes a person may use, forcing them into a more predictable pathway or dodge to try and get away from the entity's pawn in it's feeding times, blocking off routes also means that when gens get done, things get harder for a bit, can't sneak off if the only sneaking can be done via a slow vault!

oh and cosmetic wise? I just have it cus I haven't gotten anything yet that's good eheh.

Just posting the tome comic from the haunted by daylight event, it interests me, is the next chapter gonna deal with those spiders that we saw at one point? are we really gonna get a original chapter with a beast of the entity's realm finally? if so, exciting!