Welcome to my corner of the web!

Well now that you are here, I guess can sort of introduce myself more

I am Rainofdauwuand0w0 but you can just call me rain! this site will host links to my socials and possibly other cool stuff as I figure out html stuff again

and it feels really funky since I havent done website making since like middle school...and while I wanna make games, my burnout says other wise at the moment :'D

though before we go ahead and do that, let me put down some links to my other social platforms that I am on!

And there we are! all of my delightful links to other places other then here, so if I make content or art or even games, you'll see it here first probably then my link tree

so let us go over some of my little interests that I have on my own little page that I have here

firstly of course is splatoon, which has of course been one that has the most hardest and grandest grip on me

this image is one I won in a raffle, made by @starburstlastea on tumblr and @StarburstLTea on twitter, which is a grand example of my enjoyment of splatoon in of itself

And since this is my page, I can actually go into my enjoyment a bit more indepth then I would want to on other sites, as its my own making, I love the world building of splatoon, I love the food that gets made in splatoon 3's alleyways that would be easy to miss if you just kept jumping between splatfest battles and the salmon running to cool off aftter intense matches that you go through, or the factor that now the original inkopolis plaza is now connected via a train system, making it easy to go to and from the first place some of us ever set our eyes on, and all the new folks getting to see it for the first time, for them and their character, the place is new to them, those of us who have been around longer instantly recongnize the old town,and some of us...our characters have changed along with us, whether gender, presentation of style, or even just simply aging along side you, you are no longer a squid kid, you are now a squid adult, smile at the old place that has been brought back, like a childhood home reformed, things may have changed...but you can tell it's home.

working backwards in the series is of course splatoon 2, I got to be there for all the fests and such, and it was nice to have to play, octo expansion....it really unlocked something in my heart, it was the first time that I ended up picking a female character and...it clicked for me. a piece of me that I kept ignoring, and finally I found apart of myself that I needed to connect to, and I cried so hard and so much, to finally have that egg be cracked by a game I guess is kinda strange, but life itself is a strange thing, so you roll with those punches as it comes along

then the very first game, while the reason of my enjoyment of the series is simple, it may have lots of details. Prior to finding splatoon, I was an adamant enjoyer of the COD games, but these games, while I was really good at them due to how long I had been playing them since my introduction to the series thanks to family of mine, I was able to hold my own, but I guess in a way it was starting to dawn on me that when it comes to the COD formula, after a few repeats, the cracks in the style of gameplay could show, especially as the AAA industry hurled towards getting games out faster, without care to listen to the devs themselves who were working on it, as for what they saw, people had built up trust with the brands that they were buying from, and as such, people let them get away with it. but then Splatoon came into my life, a vibrant beautiful world, interesting and unique take on the shooter genre, a more focus of the entire map being the thing you wanna focus on firing at instead of foes, but they were still shown and counted, each and every splat, nice mechanics of moving through the very ink you shot and trying to dip and doge and climb wherever you could put your ink down

and as for me saying "squid adult" it was reference to... this video below

and thus my thoughts of splatoon, on the video you'll even see a condensed version of my journey in comment form below it, how cool is that

I think I should finally talk about weapons that I like to use within the splatoon 3 of current and maybe of future splatoon game installments and such, but for now let me start with this, the Snipewriter 5H!

I like it's idea of holding a charge for multiple shots, specifically as the name entails, 5. 4 can splat 2 people, which may always leave you with a shot to paint turf if you play casual like me, as it allows for being able to recover from a missed shot as you have more then one to work with, allowing you to be a bit more crafty for shooting and when you have to "reload" for the first time in a splatoon game, as thats what the snipewriter 5h feels like to me, sure its two shots you gotta land, but now you have the benefit of having more then one shot for a weapon class that usually is limited in it's amount of shots

my next choice of weapon I would like to talk about is the painbrush

a nice surpisingly strong weapon, ment for dealing with targets in a meanigful way, I have been a brush user for a long time, I think since the old splatoon 1 days but of course...chargers were a bit more destructive when I hadn't learned the games mechanics as a I do now, even as casual as I am, the painbrush, as in the name, really does bring the pain, while the octo or regular brush focus on covering the stage, while you still can do that, it is the more damage dealer out of the three, making for spectacular hits that kill fast, and keeps your team safe in your own ink-demented way

these blinkies were made by Glittergeist's site

here it is to use for your stuff uwu